A humbling privilege to be re-elected for a 5th time by the people of this constituency - against the grain of a landslide swing against the Conservative Party.
Many many people said they were voting for me as a hardworking local constituency MP from the sensible One Nation wing of the Norfolk Common Sense Party - deeply personally committed to fight for the Norfolk way of life, countryside, farming, villages & towns
Fairer Funding for Rural public services, businesses & households devastated by the cost of energy crisis
Better integrated local NHS which brings care & medicine together and focuses more on the frontline providers of healthcare & less on the well paid bureaucrats on big salaries at the top in NHS HQ and Dept Health who are in danger of doing to the NHS what they did to British Leyland. We need a Norfolk NHS that puts patients and healthcare workers first. Not last in a long queue.
I will continue also my work building bridges with all the elected MPs across Norfolk & E Anglia of all Parties so that we put the People & Places we serve above Party Politics.
I will continue my longstanding work in that spirit since founding *MindTheGap* in 2003, *PositivePolitics* in 2005, The Norfolk Way in 2008, and The Big Tent Ideas Festival in 2017.
It’s Important Work.